
On the train the other day I saw a man step in with a barns and noble bag. It was one of the white ones where you can read the titles through the plastic. I always find it amusing to see what other people are reading, especially what they are buying. It never seems to be what one might expect. Like me sitting on the train coming from work as a receptionist, I reading Oliver Sack's Musicophilia. Ok, so that's not so strange. At least I'm not carrying around Mary Roach's Bonk: The curious coupling of science and sex (not great train material).
But this man to my surprise had recently purchased two books; Bitches, and Why Men Love Bitches.
Now I can't help but wonder what terrible relationship this poor guy has gotten himself into...
But when I got home I started wondering, what is this book really about?
So I googled it.
It's actually a self-help book for women and how to take control in a relationship!
So why was this guy carrying it around? Maybe he has a man he's trying to pin down, or maybe he's just that whipped and was getting it for his girl friend.
Either way, I kind of wish I had the cajones to have asked him.

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