
"dear god, make me a bird, so i can fly far, far far away."

I have a slight obsession with birds. But really it's just jealousy of their evolved ability to fly. The actual "feathered friend" in front of me freaks me out. I stay away from the pigeons. They carry too many diseases to get too close to. And I don't care who made up the nonsense that having a bird poop on you is good luck. It's just gross. But that doesn't stop me from doodling unknown species of various wingspans absently in my spare time.

On a completely unrelated note- today on the subway a guy was ranting on and on about a strange cult of people who rape their children and train their sons to be murders and then started reading out of the bible. Practically screaming his "lecture" to make sure his message was heard throughout the train car, his voice was scratchy and like nails on a chalk board. I couldn't concentrate on my Bill Bryson book and had to run to a different train after a couple of stops. Everyone around me had grimaces on their faces like that had just eaten a spoon full of those crystals at the bottom of a sour patch kids bag thinking it was sugar. But besides being annoyed it made me ask myself "How does one get to the point of believing that yelling gibberish at people on a subway car is a good idea?"

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