
It might look like I just got ran over by a car, or that I was abducted by aliens and all I have to show for it are these strange markings on my back. I was cupped this Tuesday.
Cupping, a ancient chinese medicine practice, uses localized suction to draw blood to an area, in my case over certain acupuncture points on my upper back to help relieve my congestion and heart-wrenching cough that has been lingering for too long.
I had heard horror stories from a friend of mine from college that used to get it done of the terrible discomfort, agonizing pain of it, but it really wasn't too bad. A little pressure, that's all it was. The swelling went down within the hour and my bruises are already fading.
And my cough... much better.

Side note:
My boyfriend told me yesterday that my apartment had "bad juju" right before he left for the night. Really?

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