
I have just read my horoscope for the month of December and it was eerily accurate. I try to read Susan Miller's articles every now and again on astrologyzone.com; it's an entertaining read for a slow afternoon.
So Mercury is retrograde in my opposite sign of Capricorn, which boggles and clouds everything, but now venus is also in Capricorn until mid January so I should be confused but lovey-dovey with my boyfriend. To top it off there is a lunar eclipse on new years eve in my sign of Cancer. (Unfortunately it will only be visible in Europe, Asia, and Australia...)
According to Miller, lunar eclipses, in the astrology world, are supposed to illuminate facts and feelings in order to provoke a sudden or dramatic insight, and evolve maturity. And being in my "first house of personal dreams and [my] very core of identity"... I should be expecting some bit of drama. Something will end, something new will begin. And I need to focus on what makes me happy. Which I have been trying to do, and figure out, all month now.
Anyway, enough about astrology. I can't let myself get too wrapped up in all that but I have to admit it's interesting to think about how it would be possible if the position of huge planets miles and miles away could effect lives here on this planet and how energy must be transferred and are we all sort of connected to some greater system of existence...
yadda yadda yadda. I'm sounding a bit loony.

I got a new identity for christmas. Actually it's just a haircut, but it feels a little identity changing. With the new year around the corner I am getting sick of all the articles about new year's resolutions, and starting fresh and changes everyone always say they are going to make but who are we kidding? We are all people of habit, and nothing new really ever happens.
However, it's a nice thought isn't it? A new year, a new start, a new perspective.
It's hard to change. As cliche as the metaphor of ripping off a band-aid hurts me, it's kind of like that. If we don't just do it and do it right away... if we just tell ourselves we will do it and then put it aside... it will never get done.
Change is painful, and it's usually wanted because of a wound. A wound in a damaged relationship*, an unsatisfactory personal image**, an unhealthy lifestyle*** and we decide, all triumphantly that THIS year, THIS year is going to be different.

*most break-ups occur between thanksgiving and Valentines Day... also most proposals...
**Gym membership sign-ups skyrocket as everyone shouts a collective "i'm going to get in shape!"
***The average weight gain over the holidays is 10 pounds. That's the weight of 3 and 1/3 phone books... If I was suddenly carrying more than 3 phone books under my shirt, I'd want to rethink my diet too!

Anyway, I like my new identity in the form of different hair. It might be the most change that happens but I'd like to think that it will spawn something spectacular...
if only.

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